Twenty-Something Tuesday.

Hello hello hello. 

Firstly I apologise for neglecting you alll sooooo much over the weekend and everything. B was up (as you know), so we’ve had a lovely weekend together ..ate WAY TOO MUCH (dreading weigh day tomorrow) but now I’m determined to get back on track.

So… you already know how I feel about being in my twenty’s. Why should we “have our shit together?” Well we shouldn’t. FACT.

I’ve figured that this decade of being twenty-something should be full of excitement, as well as it being a rocky road. You need this decade to figure who you are, what you like, (more importantly what you don’t), and figure out the life you want to live.

I’ve figured out some great tips that should guide you through the next ten years that might help your love-life, friendships, and working life in your twenty-somethings. (Or maybe not so great for you – sorry)

1. Do you see that picture of that mansion house and sports car? IT’S A FANTASY.
Yes, I’m sorry to say it but if you just think ‘I wish,’ it will always be a fantasy unless you go out of your way to achieve it. If you’re lucky enough to get them in reality, other dreams will go out the window. There’s always a minus with the plus.

2. Relationships? Engagements? Marriage? Babies? 
Do you ?question? these things? Do you ever get to that time in a year and you see everyone seem to be doing these things? Just because everyone else is doing them DOES NOT mean that you need to be doing them. The best answer is DON’T DO THEM. 
If you’ve been with your partner a while and suddenly think WE MUST DO ALL THESE THINGS…. DON’T.
You’re probably pretty happy the way you are at the moment. You probably don’t need a ring just yet. A baby probably won’t help the situation. And I dread to think what your partner would think if you loaded it all off onto him/her in 5 minutes.
*run for the hills..she’s/he’s crazy.*

I actually only had this thought today on the bus home. I basically was reminiscing over music I listened to in my “emo days” as my family like to call them. (I just liked different music and dressed differently..I was NOT emo).
Just the feel of the music (even if it doesn’t suit your genre), it made me feel so alive and “at home,” more than any home actually could. It made me comfortable and at ease with myself. I urge EVERYONE to go see their favourite singers/bands. Take your friend(s), take your partner.. have a family outing. JUST GO.
I have said for a while that it won’t be long before everything we do won’t be do-able without a “www.” in front of it and in a virtual world! What if festivals become non-existent? I don’t want a virtual festival – I WANT the real thing.

4. Travelling. To travel is to live.
Have you watched The Hangover? Have you and your friends ever said “imagine US going to Vegas?” Don’t imagine – just do it! Okay so if you’re on a low budget it can be a bit of an awkward one.. but just grab a tent, get in a car (with your homies, family or partner), take every penny from your savings and just drive. Drive somewhere until you find somewhere beautiful to stop.
Travelling, as a rule (for myself), is one of the things I have ALWAYS been into. I love different culture and different religions. The World is a BIG place. Why should I stay in one place my whole life?

5. Take snaps with your FAVES
One day you’ll grow old. Your hair won’t be soft and shiny – your skin won’t be smooth and young. You’ll be grey and wrinkly. Capture as many worthy moments as you can, with your loved ones too. It will be one of those things you look back on and smile at. It’s one of the reasons you’re still alive. It will be a memory that will give you a reason to live another day.

6. Stay in. Go out.
This is one of them things that will differ for everyone. Some people love to go out and party. Some people like to stay in bed all day. Some people like to game all day. Some like to eat all day. Each to their own, but it is healthy and worthwhile finding the balance between these things. Managing relationships can be difficult on a hangover, can’t be done whilst you’re sleeping and damn hard to follow through whilst you’re gaming. Find a happy medium and stick to it. 

7. Mistakes are made. Just learn from them
When you eventually take the plunge with number 2, it is important you have learnt from your mistakes and not been a fool to let it happen again. Some day you’ll be a mother or father and there’ll be an innocent face looking back at you. They are vulnerable to the World. It will be your job to guide them through the tough times. Their first grazed knee, their first heartbreak.. They want to look to you and hear you say, “you can count on it. You can count on me to be there for you.”

Let me know what you think in the comments section!

So amongst all these thoughts over the past few days, I’ve been totally off my plan with SW! I’m back on it TOMORROW (weigh day) and going to start the 30 day squat challenge on Thursday (Day One). I’m motivated to get back onto it very swiftly and not look back to all the crap I’ve eaten the past few days!

Hope you’ve had a great weekend – have a great mid-week tomorrow!

Signing out.

Giggles. X

P.s – thanks for your support Gigglers. Keep smiling and posting comments. X

Mid week chat about life. Smile!


Good evening to all you Gigglers! Sorry I didn’t post yesterday. I was cray cray busy and fell asleep quite early (lightweight – I know)

So today consisted of Uni (got a lift off Pops yay)… was okayyyy I suppose, but already know what I’m doing so sort of boring.
Then I went to weigh in my fat bottom and lost a pound! One whole pound of fat gone. If you haven’t seen what a pound of fat looks like then search it. It’s not much but it’s gone never to be seen again! So four pounds in total (yay me!)
I’m definitely on track again now and feel really psyched for the next week, despite B coming for the weekend, I’ve got my meals planned 🙂

It was my gorgeous nephew’s birthday too and it’s sooo cute to see the look on his face when he opens his pressies!

Oh well enough family talk..

Despite the busy day I’ve actually felt pretty shitty inside all day. Mind wandering, over-thinking and just general stress. I ready something earlier today that made so much sense to me:
“Nothing will fuck up your twenties more, than thinking you’re supposed to have your shit together.”
Whoever said this is just reet up my street! Yes! Thank you. Empathy towards us twenty-somethings who have no fucking clue what they are doing or where they are going with their lives. (Buy that lad a beer)

I also planned to spend the evening with B watching a film or something, but turns out he’s just made other plans with his uni friends so I’m pretty angry about that. Just ignores my calls and texts, then will crawl back tomorrow like “oh I’m sorry.” Fucktard. He’s supposed to be coming on Friday and it’s well pissed me off.

Time to take my AD I think! Sorry for the rant and rave but I can breathe now yayyyyyy.

Thanks for reading! Remember to smile Gigglers.

Signing out.

Giggles. X